Draught Proofing Windows and Doors

We've all been wondering how to keep our energy expenses low since the cost of living increased this year. And, when combined with draught proofing, it is one of the simplest and most cost-effective solutions to conserve energy - and money - in any type of structure or house.

In this article, we will answer any questions you may have about draught proofing and highlight the benefits of draught proofing your windows and doors to ultimately induce the conservation of energy within your house.

an image of man draught proofing windows with adhesive

What is draught proofing?

Draught proofing (or draught exclusion) is one of the simplest and most cost-effective solutions to reduce energy costs in the home, whether you live in a house or a flat. The idea is simple: use draught excluders to keep cold air from entering and warm air from departing. Keeping the warm air inside will save your utility costs because the current heating system will have to work less to maintain the needed temperature.

Draughts or openings in the home operate as unwelcome ventilation shafts, allowing cold air in and hot air out. When the household heats their home, these uncontrolled ventilation openings allow costly hot air to escape.

Although some heat escapes regardless of a householder's activities, leaving doors, windows, and letterboxes open causes additional temporary draughts.

an image of a man securing letterbox for daughts

How to draught proof a front door

Draught-proofing your front door may prevent a significant amount of heat from escaping. Draught-proofing can be divided into four categories:


Purchase a specially designed cover that suspends a metal disc over the keyhole.


Use a letterbox flap or brush to clean the letterbox. You must first measure your mailbox to ensure that you get the correct size.

Gap at the bottom

Fill with a brush or a hinged flap draught excluder for the bottom of the door.

Gaps around the edges

You can use foam, brush, or wiper strips to fill the gaps around the edges of the door.

an image of someone applying draught strips to window

How to draught proof windows

Buy draught-proofing strips to wrap around the window frame and fill the space between the window and the frame if your windows open. Draught-proofing strips are classified into two types:

  • Self-adhesive foam strips are inexpensive and simple to apply, but they may not last long.
  • Metal or plastic strips with brushes or wipers attached are more durable but more high-priced

an image of a man removing window from house

How to draught proof sash windows

Here are some suggestions for draught-proofing your sash windows:

  • Replace the separating bead. Because the separating bead is incorporated into the box frame, replacing it without assistance may be more challenging. A new separation bead may significantly improve thermal efficiency by ensuring that there are no gaps between the window sash and the box frame. A new parting bead will usually come with a draught seal that you can easily replace in the future.
  • Replace the bead on the staff. This is an interior trim that holds window sashes in place. Because it is placed around the box frame, an older staff bead that is cracked or worn away might be allowing draughts in. For even better results, new staff beads will frequently have a draught-proof strip installed.
  • Install or replace a draught-proof strip. If you already have a draught-proof strip, you may easily remove and replace it on your own. Newer staff beads or separating beads typically contain a draught seal that is totally detachable, making upgrading straightforward and inexpensive. A draught seal will help to keep draughts out by ensuring that there are no gaps and that the window is adequately insulated. It might be composed of a variety of materials, such as foam, plastic, bristles, or felt. If you want any assistance in replacing or installing draught-proof strips, our team would be happy to chat with you and provide our knowledge.

That's all the information you'll need to draught-proof all your windows and doors! With energy costs on the rise, it's more crucial than ever to do everything you can to limit energy use, which will ultimately help you save money!

If you have any other questions about draught proofing windows or doors or would just like to discuss any building ideas and projects with our friendly team, you can contact the customer service team on the number 01472 907051.

2nd Nov 2022 Emily Green

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